Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Scholarship Opportunities for Incoming Students

Pacific University offers several different scholarships for our incoming students. The opportunity of a merit scholarship is available to all students who apply and is based off of the work students have already done in high school. The only requirements to keeping the scholarship are staying in good academic standing while at Pacific University. We also offer Talent Awards & Scholarships, Special Interest Scholarships, and Community-Based Scholarships.

In total, there are 26 potential scholarships that incoming students can apply to. There are 13 total Talent Awards & Scholarships: Dance ScholarshipWorld Languages Talent Award, etc. There are 7 Special Interest Scholarships to pick from: Outdoor Adventure AwardFIRST Robotics Scholarship, etc. There are 6 Community-Based Scholarships available for incoming students: Black United Fund of Oregon ACCESS ScholarshipPacific University Oregon Promise Award, etc.

These scholarships are not run by the admissions office like the merit scholarships. Rather, they are run by the individual departments and organizations on campus. Because of this, the departments and organizations are in charge of the requirements of their scholarships. Students may apply to as many scholarships as they wish, but they may only accept one. The scholarships range from $500 - $6,000, and are renewable every year as long as the student fulfills the requirements. 

Check out the list of scholarships for incoming students that we offer and see if anything applies to you!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Jan Term

     At Pacific University we offer “Jan Term” classes during our winter break in the month of January.  The classes last for 11 instructional days and are three hours long. Jan term classes are usually 2 credit courses so that the workload is manageable. Students have the opportunity to move back on campus and utilize their meal plans during this time period. Registration for these Jan term classes occurs when students register for their spring semester classes. In terms of the classes, many disciplines are usually represented during Jan term.  As for the cost, Jan term is something that is already included into the price of tuition so there is no extra charge. Even more reason for students to take advantage of this time.

     Often, students will take a class that may be difficult for them if they were to take it for an entire semester. For example, social science majors (psychology, sociology, ect.) sometimes take a hard-science class during the winter break in order to meet their requirement, and hard science majors (chemistry, biology, etc.) may try and fulfill their art or social science/humanities requirement during this time.

     Although every year is different, usually a third to half of our students take advantage of our Jan term courses. Many students love this because our already small community is much more tight knit and connected during these three weeks.

     Jan term is also when a lot of our travel courses take place. Travel course are mini study abroad programs that we offer. Students can get their civic engagement requirements met in Trinidad and Tobago, have their science requirement met by taking a marine biology course in the Galapagos Islands, etc... These are also worth two credits and are a fun way to pursue your degree! Be aware that the travel courses are “out of pocket” trips unlike the on-campus Jan term courses and other study abroad trips.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Centers and Institutions

At Pacific University, students have the opportunity to get involved in a variety of clubs and groups. One distinction that we make from our general clubs are our Centers and Institutions that we have on campus. Most of the centers and institutions are ran by students who are accompanied by a staff member. This provides leadership opportunities for our students, and also allows them the freedom to focus on what is important to them. This is just a small example, check out the rest on our website!

·         Berglund Center
o   The Berglund Center is focused on serving all students at all degree levels from any major who wish to innovate. Students are helped with innovative thinking, entrepreneurship and multidisciplinary team work. Student can win fellowships, awards, and practical experience for launching startup businesses through the Inspired Ideas Competition. Students have the opportunity to share their ideas in front of a panel of judges and the public. The completion is judged on merit rather than financial or business potential in order to give every student a fair opportunity. With mentors there to support, the Berglund Center can be a very useful tool for any students with an entrepreneur mindset.
·         Center for Civic Engagement
o   All students at Pacific University have a Civic Engagement requirement which is our way of getting Pacific students out into the community, serving the common good, and engaging with the community. This is experiential learning put into practice. The requirement can be met through one of the many Civic Engagement classes that are offered every semester or if you choose to do something alone, the project/internship must be approved by the Center for Civic Engagement. In the past we have had students serve at the local farms, put on well-organized fundraisers for various charities, and do internships at places like local schools, nursing homes, and hospitals. The Center for Civic Engagement also hosts travel courses for student who wish to make a difference overseas. Student can choose from trips such as Hawaii, Ecuador, Kenya, etc. The Center for Civic Engagement does all that it can in order to make sure students are serving the community in unique and meaningful ways.
·         Center for Gender Equity

o   The Center for Gender Equity host several workshops throughout the year for various things such as mental health, LGBTQ Week, slam poetry events, panels, speakers, short films, etc. The goal is to make people aware of issue surrounding gender in an open and inviting way. They offer scholarships, research opportunities, and conferences for Pacific Students as well.